Selasa, 26 April 2011

Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 17.00
Ide ilmuwan Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology Jerman memproduksi kulit manusia buatan dalam skala besar kini terwujud.

Jerman kini memiliki pabrik kulit manusia dan produksinya dibantu robot. Robot-robot itu meremas larutan kimia merah muda kemudian memasukkannya ke dalam alat semacam pipet dan mengubahnya menjadi calon lembaran kulit manusia.

Pabrik itu bisa menghasilkan lima ribu jaringan tembus pandang berwarna putih seukuran uang koin tiap bulannya. Jaringan calon kulit yang diproduksi bisa juga berwarna coklat. Dalam calon kulit itu juga terdapat pembuluh darah dan bisa dipakai mengobati luka kulit.

Setiap jaringan dihargai US$72 (Rp620 ribu). Jaringan ini memang terbilang mahal.

Seperti dikutip Pop Science, dua tahun lalu para ilmuwan berharap, pabrik ini bisa menghasilkan kulit buatan dengan harga terjangkau demi kepentingan studi dan pengobatan. Kulit yang diproduksi robot ini diawasi dengan ketat agar terhindar dari infeksi.

"Kami yakin pabrik semacam ini bisa menjadi cara efisien menghasilkan jaringan baru, termasuk kemih, trakea, tulang rawan bahkan organ tubuh,” kata direktur pabrik kulit Heike Walles.

Walles dan tim ilmuwan berhasil memproduksi jaringan untuk transplantasi manusia. Namun, proses ini masih sangat mahal. "Fasilitas produksi jaringan semacam ini diharapkan bisa lebih memudahkan dan mengurangi biaya,” tutup Walles.
Sumber :
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 16.57
With a height of 4 feet or 1.2 meters, this stone looks normal,nothing special. However, who would have thought he who savedthe lives of Aneyoshi, Iwate Prefecture, when the devastatingtsunami struck Japan, March 11, 2011 last.

At the gray stone carved a warning: "Do not build a house under this point." Anyone in violation will face the risk of floods and tsunamis.

And, the people adhere to that old advice. A small village consisting of 11 houses and 32 people survived, although actually they are in precarious positions. 2011 tsunami waves struck, only 300 feet or 91.44 meters below the inscription.

In the history of Japanese tsunamis often occur. Our ancestors tried to warn future generations through the stones inscriptions are commonly encountered along the coast. Some of the stones even 600 years old.

"The inscription is a memorial between generations, to remind the future generations to avoid suffering the same with their fathers," said Itoko Kitahara, natural disaster experts from Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, told the New York Times.

Is the tsunami in 1896 that killed 22,000 people, who assured residents Aneyoshi to move to higher ground and stay there.

After a stable condition, not a long time the tsunami hit, people started to bring myself down the hill toward the beach. Fatal result, the 1933 tsunami struck again, only four survivors. After the accident, the stone inscription erected. Stone believed that was what the villagers, had saved them from the tsunami of 1960.

"They understand the tsunami horror, then they established prasaasti stones to warn us," said Tamishige Kimura (64), leader Aneyoshi.

According to him, learn from experience, the villagers consider the inscription is the rule of the ancestors. "No one has dared to break them."

And the suggestion was proven, 9.0 Richter scale earthquake and tsunami that killed 29,000 people, the most severe since the quake Jongan 869 years, do not touch Aneyoshi. Although there are citizens who have lost four families who lost while traveling in a neighboring town.

The residents Aneyoshi do anything to imitate what their ancestors.Blue paint is made at the point where the 2011 tsunami wave to reach the hill.

Not only the inscription, warning of the ancestors is also realized when naming a location. For example Nokoriya which translates as 'the Valley Victim' or Namiwake which means the edge waves.

However, although the memorial stone is spread in almost all Japanese, many also ignored. They ignored the advice of the ancestors and build a house near the beach. And, consequently fatal.

"With the passage of time, people must have forgotten, until another tsunami that killed 10,000 people come over," says author and tsunami expert, Fumio Yamashita.
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 16.48
Magdeburg Water Bridge is water navigation channel in Germanywhich connects the Elbe-Havel canal to the Mittelland canal andallow the ship to cross over the River Elbe as high as 918 meters.Magdeburg Water Bridge is the longest navigation waterways in the world.

Elbe-Havel Canal and the Mittelland canal near Magdeburgpreviously met but on the opposite side of the Elbe. Ships from the Elbe-Havel canal to the Mittelland canal must first take a detouralong the 12 kilometers, down from Canal Mittelland throughRothensee giant water elevator to lift the boat into the Elbe, then sailagainst the current.

Before entering the Elbe-Havel canal had to go through NiegrippLock. Receding water levels in the Elbe often make the ship loadedcargo crossings can not do this, and this takes much longer to load and unload ships.

Development of water channel was started since 1930 but because of World War 2 and the subsequent division of Germany, the workwas delayed until 1997. Water channel was finally completed andopened to the public in 2003.
Source :
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 16.44
It's official! The new world record holder for the biggest freshwater fish is the Giant Mekong catfish (Pangasius gigas). The biggest one ever captured and measured was caught in Thailand in May of 2005. It was 9 feet long and weighed 646 pounds.
The fish in the photo below was captured by some fisherman where the species is considered endangered, but can still be caught with special permits. The fish was turned in to the Department of Fisheries where the eggs and sperm are collected from these rare giants and harvested for a captive breeding program to keep the species alive.
This giant catfish inhabits the waters of the Mekong River in China, which flows southward into Southeast Asia. This fish is found as far south as Cambodia and Thailand where it is known as Pla Buk, which means simply "huge fish".The dimensions of these catfish are very impressive, with the largest supposedly growing up to 10ft/3m and weighing up to 660lbs/300kg.
Scientists have recently discovered something amazing about the Giant Mekong catfish; they live out part of their lives at sea. Most people have the impression of catfish as slow, lumbering bottom-feeders, but it turns out that the migration routes of these catfish rival those of the better known salmon. Scientists have recorded Pangasius gigas traveling as much as 600 miles (1000 km) inland from the south China sea up the Mekong River to spawn.
Giant Mekong Catfish
This giant catfish caught in May of 2005 was 9 feet long and weighed 646 lbs. This is more than 5 times bigger than the 'world record' catfish caught in North America.
The waters of the Mekong River are very murky and make it difficult to track the movements of the fish. In order to determine where the Mekong catfish have been, scientists examined chemical markers called isotopes in bone and muscle tissue of catfish from the Khone Falls region of the Mekong. The team found evidence that the freshwater-dwelling fish had migrated recently from a marine habitat. Although this method of fish tracking is a highly regarded method, it appears that this is the first time it has been used to track the migration routes of river catfish species from a marine environment.
The recent discovery that Mekong catfish are anadromous, (moving from coastal waters into fresh waters to spawn) has surprised even scientist's long-held notions of freshwater species. It may be that many other species of catfish also have similar migration habits, and that other species of freshwater fish may be found living part of their lives at sea. It certainly gives new meaning to the concept of "freshwater fish", if they spend part of their lives living in the salty waters of a marine environment.
As big as the Giant Mekong catfish can get, there are rumored to be other species of freshwater fish whose dimensions rival those of the Mekong catfish. Among them are the Arapaima and huge freshwater stingrays, both found living in the Amazon River. The giant Chinese paddlefish is also a serious contender for world's biggest freshwater fish, but very little is known about this species that seems to be rapidly disappearing. 
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 13.55


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Special credits to: +marxtianz+ fat,GKScripter