Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 14.29
Tools :
[-].Swf files
[-] Chrome/firefox

[-] open ninja saga
[-] after in the township,
[-] open fiddler,
[-] input the swf files
[-] that you take,
[-] then you get to the shop to buy emblems
[-] completed 
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 14.27

Swf file -> [download]


Tested and Working. Do Not abuse the cheats or you may get banned.

Cheat Includes:
  • Instant all Mission
  • 1 Hit Kill Bosses
  • Instant Chunin/Jounin Exam
  • Instant Tp Mission (once per Day)
  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the .swf files) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.t
  6. Just enter Ninja Saga [ plany now ]
  7. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it. (clear browser cache will definitely help if you have trouble)
  8. Also, all missions are now instant finished.
  9. Cheat with some common sense. Only do those exams when you are lvl 20 or lvl 40.
  10. Have fun! 
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 14.23

umber: Seputar Obrolan Ringan dari CINTA (Cerita Wanita) di Internet:), Semoga bermanfaat..
“bagaimana cara efektif menghilangkan komedo?”[Id]

“Ambil sedikit putih telur ayam/burung puyuh, terus tempatkan di wadah, kocok sampe agak berbusa. Ambil selembar kapas muka, olesin kedua sisinya sama putih telur tadi sampe basah. Tempelkan ke hidung, sampe bener bener nempel di kulit. Biarin sampe kering kerontang, kira kira 1/2 harian deh, temenku gak sabaran sama dia di hairdryer idungnya, biar cepet kering. Kalo udah kering banget, pelan pelan lepasin. Saking keringnya tuh kapas jadi berbentuk hidung kita. Liat deh sisi dalamnya, banyak komedo nempel. Kalo blon rasain sendiri, ih kayaknya jijik dan bau amis, tapi gak gitu gitu amat kok. Yang sebel nunggukeringnya lama banget, soalnya seneng sih kalo udah liat keringnya en komedo pada nempel.”[St]

“Ingin menghilangkan komedo yang sudah terlanjur “menghias” wajah? Anda bisa mencoba cara murah yang satu ini. Biarkan wajah Anda terkena uap air hangat selama beberapa menit. Panas uap air akan bekerja membuka pori-pori wajah anda. Setelah itu, lakukan pengompresan wajah dengan handuk panas. Rendamkan handuk muka ke dalam air hangat semampu tangan Anda bisa menahan hawa panasnya. Lantas, tempelkan pada bagian wajah yang berkomedo. Biarkan hingga handuknya mendingin. Lalu, bungkuslah tangan Anda dengan tisu. Gunakan ujung jari bukan kuku untuk memencet komedo keluar dari pori-pori. Lakukan dengan tekanan yang lembut agar tidak membuat kulit teriritasi”.[Ci]
“Jangan memaksa keluar komedo yang membandel. Jika tidak, kulit Anda bisa memar dan memungkinkan terjadinya infeksi. Tunggu beberapa saat hingga penyumbatnya terbuka dan coba ulangi lagi. Ingat, lakukan terapi ini di ruangan yang memiliki pencahayaan yang baik”.[Ci]
“Bisa juga menggunakan air perasan jeruk nipis untuk mengangkat komedo. Sedangkan bagi Anda yang berkulit kering, pengolesan susu secara teratur bisa membantu menghilangkan komedo. Mudah dan murah bukan?”.[Ci]
“Kalo aku ngilangin komedonya pake tangan dipencet2, biasanya kan di hidung dan sekitarnya tuch,,,udahnya hidungku merah2, ntarnya jadi item2,,, Ada juga tuch semacam plester utk ngilangin komedo, namanya …………………………………………………….. ini katanya dpt menyedot komedo secara efektif, bukan hanya bagi permukaan wajah yg bersih, tapi hingga ke dasar pori, yg biasanya tidak terjangkau plester pembersih komedo biasa (pore pack)”[LL]
“Konon kalau komedo sering dipencetin, hal itu justru mengaktifasi kelenjar minyak shg kotoran menumpuk dan timbul lagi komedonya.. Palingan kita harus rajin membersihkan muka, terutama daerah wajah yang berminyak (dagu, kening dan hidung).”[FW]
“cara aku ngilangin komedo sih pake ‘pinset’ itu lho yg biasa buat nyabut alis, kayaknya lebih puas gitu….. kalo yg ujungnya bulet (yg biasa dipake kalo kita facial di salon) itu sih aku nggak suka abis sakit banget kalo mau ngeluarin komedo, mending pake pinset tinggal ngaca keambil deh tuh komedo”[St]
“aku udah pernah pake plester pembersih komedo (pore pack) tapi nggak maksimal tuh hasilnya, mungkin kalo komedo ku udah termasuk yg parah kali ya…. soalnya kalo pake plester itu tetap aja masih ada yg nempel, malah yg tadinya tidur jadi pada nongol deh di hidung, mungkin karna nggak kecabut ya….”[St]
“Aku juga pernah nyoba pake plester, suamiku juga nyoba, tapi kayaknya nggak ngaruh… Kalo komedo suamiku emang bisa pake pinset, karena komedonya yg black head gitu… jadi gampang dicabut. Kalo komedoku white head, jadi musti dipencet baru keluar…”[LL]
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 14.20
Kali ini gua mo posting lagi neh, neh keren bngt neh... soale ada yg nanya ke aku, waktu chat di fb kenapa aku bisa munculin emoticon love. Cewek entu nanya terus ke aku dan minta diajarin kode2nya kali yah... yah gimana gua mo kasih tahu wong gua aja ga terlalu hafal dg kode2 emoticon facebook. Akhirnya gua jelasin aja kedia, cari aja di google... Akhirnya entu cewek nyari di google.com/images dg keyword facebook emoticon, ketemu deh dan dia ngucapin "thx honey..." wah pikir gua gatal juga neh cewek wkwkwkwkwk, sekalian aja deh aku mo kasih tahu aja ke kawan sekalian kode2 emoticon facebook entu. Tapi yg gua heran kenapa yah entu cewek ngotot pengen bngt bisa buat emoticon love gitu, mungkin dia mo ngungkapin cinta yah ama gua hahahahahaha... keren deh kalo gitu... Oke deh berikut ini kode emoticon-nya :

Facebook Emoticon
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 14.19

Ada banyak persamaan dan ada pula banyak perbedaan antara Linux dan Windows.
Berikut ini beberapa perbedaan yang ada di Linux dan Windows.
1. User Interface
Di Windows, Kita tidak banyak memiliki pilihan user interface. Sebagai misal, di Windows 95/98 Kita hanya mengenal user interface bawaan Windows 95/98. Kita sedikit lebih beruntung jika menggunakan Windows XP, karena Kita bisa berpindah dari interface milik Windows XP ke Windows 98 yang lebih ringan.
Di Linux, kita bisa menemukan banyak macam user interface. Dan biasanya pilihan user interface ini dapat Kita sesuaikan dengan spesifikasi komputer atau lingkungan kerja. Misalnya, pada komputer yang lambat kita bisa menggunakan user interface yang ringan, seperti XFCE atau Fluxbox.
Atau jika Kita menyukai gaya Mac, Kita bisa memilih desktop model GNOME atau menggunakan utility Docker. Dan jika Kita terbiasa di Windows dan memiliki komputer yang cukup cepat, Kita bisa memilih desktop KDE.
Dengan KDE, Kita masih bisa memilih untuk menggunakan gaya Windows XP ataupun Windows Vista. Pilihan dan variasinya sangat banyak di Linux, Kita bisa mengatur sesuai dengan favorit Kita.
2. Sekuriti dan Virus
Salah satu masalah utama di Windows yang paling sering Kita temukan adalah virus dan spyware. Dari tahun ke tahun permasalahan ini bukan semakin mengecil tetapi malah semakin membesar. Ini semua terjadi karena banyak lubang keamanan di Windows yang bisa dieksploitasi oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab.
Linux diturunkan dari sistem operasi Unix yang memiliki tingkat sekuriti lebih kuat. Itu sebabnya tidak ada banyak virus di Linux dan kalaupun ada tidak bisa berkembang biak dengan pesat dan biasanya tidak mampu membawa kerusakan yang besar.
Sekalipun tidak sepenting di Windows, Kita tetap bisa menemukan program-program anti virus di Linux, seperti ClamAV dan F-Prot. PCLinux telah menyediakan anti virus ClamAV yang bisa ditemukan pada menu Start > Applications > FileTools > KlamAV.
3. Spyware
Spyware adalah suatu masalah yang cukup umum di dunia Windows. Biasanya program spyware mengamati, mengumpulkan dan mengirimkan data Kita ke suatu server. Untuk hal yang lebih positif, program ini biasanya dipergunakan untuk keperluan marketing.
Sayangnya, ada juga yang berniat buruk yaitu dengan mencuri identitas, kartu kredit, dan tindakan negatif lainnya.
Tidak banyak program spyware yang menginfeksi Linux mengingat cara kerja Linux yang lebih susah untuk ditembus. PCLinux telah menyediakan pre-instal Firewall untuk melindungi sistem Kita dan bisa diaktifkan melalui PCLinux Control Panel.
Instalasi dan Kelengkapan Program
Windows adalah sistem operasi, itu sebabnya Windows tidak menyediakan banyak program setelah diinstal. Kalaupun ada mungkin Kita hanya akan menemukan Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notepad, dan beberapa program kecil lainnya.
Ini sangat berbeda dengan Linux. Sekalipun Linux juga suatu sistem operasi, tetapi Linux disertai dengan banyak program didalamnya. Setelah diinstal, Kita akan menemui banyak program dari hampir semua kategori program. Sebut saja kategori Office Suite, Multimedia (Sound, Video, Graphics), Internet (Browser, Email, Chat, Downloader, Messenger, Torrent, News), 3D, Games, Utility, dll.
Dengan waktu instalasi yang hampir sama, Kita bukan hanya mendapatkan suatu sistem operasi tetapi juga semua program yang diperlukan untuk kegiatan sehari-hari di Linux.
4. Konfigurasi Sistem
Kita mungkin sering mendengar di Linux Kita perlu menyunting file secara manual melalui command line. Sebagian berita ini benar, tetapi dengan PCLINUX Control Center konfigurasi sistem bisa Kita lakukan semudah point n click. PCLINUX memiliki deteksi perangkat keras yang baik sehingga hampir semuanya berjalan secara otomatis. Dan hampir semua program di PCLINUX disertai dengan konfigurasi yang sudah siap pakai. Sebagai contoh, browser Internet telah disertai dengan sejumlah plug-ins. Tidak perlu men-download dan menginstal plug-ins flash ataupun yang lainnya.
5. Hardware Support
Kita sering mendengar suatu hardware tidak bekerja di Linux. Hal ini terjadi karena pembuat hardware tidak menyediakan driver versi Linux. Untungnya, belakangan ini cukup banyak vendor yang sudah memberikan dukungan driver Linux. Dan pengenalan Linux akan hardware semakin lama semakin meningkat sehingga mulai jarang terdengar permasalahan hardware di Linux.
6. Menangani Crash
Linux secara umum terlihat sebagai sistem operasi yang stabil. Dan jika Kita membandingkan Linux dengan Windows 95/98/ME, Linux jauh lebih stabil. Windows XP – jika Kita mengikuti petunjuk sistemnya dengan baik – akan cukup stabil.
Dan seperti halnya dengan Windows, suatu saat Kita juga akan menemui masalah di Linux. Sekalipun jarang, tetapi program yang crash atau hang bisa saja terjadi. Ini adalah suatu fakta dari kehidupan di dunia komputer.
Sekalipun demikian ada beberapa perbedaan di Windows dan Linux. Unix dan Linux mempunyai sifat multi-user. Linux menjalankan aplikasi secara berbeda dengan Windows. Ketika suatu aplikasi terkunci, Kita dapat mematikannya dengan mudah. Cukup menekan kombinasi tombol Ctrl + Esc, dan Kita dapat memilih aplikasi (atau proses) mana yang bermasalah.
Dan jika sistem grafis yang terkunci, Kita bisa berpindah ke command-prompt (dengan menekan Ctrl+Alt+F1) dan membunuh proses software secara manual. Kita juga mempunyai pilihan untuk merestart desktop saja dengan menekan Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Ini berarti Kita tidak harus melakukan reboot sekalipun sistem Linux sedang mengalami masalah.
7. Partisi Harddisk
Linux tidak mengenal penamaan drive C: untuk suatu partisi. Semua drive disatukan dalam suatu sistem penyimpanan yang besar. Folder /mnt merupakan tempat untuk Kita mengakses semua media yang ada di komputer, baik partisi lain, CD-ROM, Floppy, ataupun FlashDisk.
Belakangan KDE telah memperudah akses ke media dengan menyediakan sistem Storage Media yang dapat diakses melalui My Computer ataupun file manager Konqueror.
8. Penamaan File
Linux menggunakan “/” untuk memisahkan folder dan bukannya “\” yang biasa digunakan DOS/Windows. Linux bersifat case-sensitive, ini berarti file “Hello.txt” berbeda dengan file “hello.txt”. Linux juga tidak terlalu memperhatikan ekstensi file. Jika Kita mengubah nama file “Hello.txt” menjadi “Hello”, Linux masih tetap mengetahui bahwa file ini adalah suatu teks. Dan ketika Kita mengklik file “Hello”, Linux secara otomatis tetap akan membuka program editor teks.
9. Kemudahan dan Keamanan
Kita mungkin sudah mengetahui, bahwa sebagai user biasa (bukan Root) Kita tidak bisa menulis file di sembarang folder. User biasa hanya memiliki akses tulis di folder home mereka. Sebagai user biasa, Kita tidak akan bisa mengubah bagian penting dari sistem Linux. Ini memang terkesan terlalu membatasi dan merepotkan, tetapi cara ini jauh lebih aman, karena hanya orang tertentu yang mempunyai akses Root saja yang bisa menyentuh sistem. Bahkan viruspun tidak bisa dengan mudah menyentuh sistem Linux. Itu sebabnya Kita tidak banyak mendengar adanya virus di Linux.
Hal ini berbeda jauh dengan Windows yang sangat rentan dengan virus. Ini terjadi karena user biasa di Windows juga sekaligus mempunyai hak sebagai administrator. Kebanyakan pemakai Windows tidak mengetahui hal ini, sehingga sistem mereka sangat rentan dengan serangan virus. Windows Vista sekarang telah mengadopsi sistem sekuriti Linux ini.
10. Defragment
Di Linux Kita tidak akan menemukan program untuk men-defrag harddisk. Kita tidak perlu melakukan defragment di harddisk Linux! Sistem file Linux yang menangani ini secara otomatis. Namun jika harddisk Kita sudah terisi sampai 99% Kita akan mendapatkan masalah kecepatan. Pastikan Kita memiliki cukup ruang supaya Linux menangani sistemnya dan Kita tidak akan pernah mendapatkan masalah deframentasi.
11. Sistem File
Windows mempunyai dua sistem file. FAT (dari DOS dan Windows 9x) dan NTFS (dari Windows NT/2000/XP). Kita bisa membaca dan bahkan menyimpan file di sistem FAT dan NTFS milik Windows. Hal ini tidak berlaku sebaliknya, Windows tidak akan bisa membaca atau menyimpan file di sistem Linux.
Seperti halnya Windows, Linux memiliki beberapa macam file sistem, diantaranya ReiserFS atau Ext3. Sistem ini dalam beberapa hal lebih bagus dari FAT atau NTFS milik Windows karena mengimplementasikan suatu tehnik yang disebut journaling. Jurnal ini menyimpan catatan tentang sistem file. Saat sistem Linux crash, kegiatan jurnal akan diselesaikan setelah proses reboot dan semua file di harddisk akan tetap berjalan lancar.

Berikut ini adalah perbedaan mendasar WINDOWS 7 dengan versi-versi sebelumnya :
Di WINDOWS 7, hampir mirip seperti VISTA, untuk memunculkan gadget harus melakukannya secara manual. Yaitu dengan klik kanan desktop dan pilih Gadgets. pilih gadget yang diinginkan, dan gadget akan muncul di sebelah kanan desktop. Misalnya saja jam, kalender, slide show foto, dan lain sebagainya.
2. Display Settings
Di WINDOWS 7 ada fitur ORIENTATION yang bisa memutar-mutar layar menjadi portrait atau landscape. Bahkan jika kompi anda mendukung, akan muncul opsi koneksi ke proyektor. Seperti computer yang display VGA ne memakai intel. Jadi layar atau tampilan bisa di putar – putar
3. Windows Experience Index ( WEI )
WEI memang terus meningkat sesuai dengan perkembangan hardware ke depan.Di WINDOWS 7 saja,range nilai WEI ditingkatkan menjadi 1.0-7.9. Bukan tidak mungkin jika di versi berikutnya, range nilai WEI menjadi lebih besar.
4. Calculator
Jika di Windows sebelumnya calculator hanya ada 2 mode yaitu biasa atau scientific, tetapi di WINDOWS 7, ada dua tambahan mode lagi, yaitu programmer dan statistic. Bahkan disediakan template untuk perhitungan konsumsi bahan bakar, dan pinjaman.
5. Interface Ribbon
Kalo sudah make OFFICE 2007 pasti sudah ga asing lagy dengan fasilitas ribbon. Di WINDOWS 7, ribbon juga dihadirkan pada kedua aplikasi standar, Paint dan Wordpad. Khusus untuk Wordpad, sekilas tampilannya mirip dengan Word 2007. Sangat berbeda sekali dari Wordpad versi-versi sebelumnya.
6. PowerShell
PowerShell adalah Command Prompt yang bener dirombak abis, jadi kita terbebas dari batch script yang dimiliki DOS. PowerShell di WINDOWS 7 sudah terintegrasi langsung, jadi kita tidak harus mendownloadnya terlebih dahulu seperti pada versi-versi windows sebelumnya.PowerShell tersedia dalam dua jenis, yaitu Windows PowerShell V2 ISE ( Integrated Scripting Environment ) dan Windows PowerShell V2. Bedanya, pada PowerShell V2 ISE disertakan GUI dan menyediakan debugger, syntax highlight , dan fiutr tab
7. Koneksi Wireless yang Lebih Mudah
Koneksi wireless di Windows 7 cukup dilkakukan dengan satu kali klik saja, karena sudah tersedia ikon koneksi yang simpel dan efektif.
8. HomeGroup
HomeGroup adalah teknologi untuk sharing di jaringan, dan menyediakan tiga fungsi dasar. pertama, HomeGroup akan mengidentifikasi dan menghubungkan diri dengan lainnya pada home network. kedua, HomeGroup mengizinkan kita untuk memutuskan apa yang akan disharing dengan user lain. ketiga, HomeGroup mengizinkan kita untuk melihat dan mengakses resource yang disharing oleh PC lain di dalam HomeGroup. HomeGroup juga menyediakan password bagi PC lain yang akan bergabung di dalamnya. Password tersebut dihasilkan secara otomatis oleh Windows.
Selanjutnya adalah cara mengkoneksikan 2 komputer ( peer 2 Peer )
Jenis koneksi komputer yang secara umum di dukung oleh System-system Operasi versi terakhir saat ini ada 3 jenis yaitu:
- Infrared Connection – yaitu komputer-komputer yg akan di koneksikan harus mempunyai port infrared (IR), koneksi jenis ini banyak di manfaatkan oleh para pengguna komputer Laptop di mana umumnya laptop di dalamnya sudah terpasang port(IR).
- Direct Cable Connection – yaitu memanfaatkan port serial atau paralel yang ada di hampir semua komputer memakai kabel paralel atau serial. koneksi jenis ini jaman sekarang sudah jarang sekali di pakai.
- Ethernet – yaitu menggunakan Ethernet Card yang di pasang dan di install di PC serta kabel UTP sebagai perantara nya, Jenis koneksi yang inilah yang paling populer dan paling banyak di gunakan di mana-mana dari tingkat jaringan kecil sampai jaringan besar. ini yang akan saya bahas di sini.
Secara singkat dan simple-nya untuk menghubungkan 2 komputer atau membuat suatu jaringan komputer kecil atau besar ada 2 hal pokok yang perlu di lakukan:
- Pertama menyiapkan perangkat penghubung koneksi seperti : kabel UTP, Hub atau switch, Router (bila di perlukan),…
- Kedua memberikan alamat TCP/IP di setiap Ethernet Card PC yang akan di hubungkan,
Menghubungkan 2 komputer langsung tanpa menggunakan hub atau switch dapat dengan mudah dilakukan dengan menyiapkan kabel UTP yang di pasang Connector RJ45 dengan susunan kabel cross, yang merupakan lawan dari kabel straight-through deng urutan sebagai berikut:

Kabel 1 Oranye – garis putih
Kabel 2 Oranye
Kabel 3 Hijau – garis putih
Kabel 4 Biru
Kabel 5 Biru – garis putih
Kabel 6 Hijau
Kabel 7 Coklat – garis putih
Kabel 8 Coklat

Kabel1 Hijau – garis putih
Kabel 2 Hijau
Kabel 3 Oranye – garis putih
Kabel 4 Biru
Kabel 5 Biru – garis putih
Kabel 6 Oranye
Kabel 7 Coklat – garis putih
Kabel 8 Coklat

Kabel cross berbeda dengan kabel straight-through karena salah satu ujung yang memancarkandan menerima ditukar. Komputer yang terhubung ke hub biasanya menggunakan kabelstraight-through,
Jadi ujung pertama urutan standart (straight) dan pada ujung lainnya kabel pada urutan 1 ditukar 3, dan pada urutan 2 di tukar 6
Kabel 1 Menjadi 3
Kabel 2 Menjadi 6
Kabel 3 Menjadi 1
Kabel 4 Biru
Kabel 5 Biru – garis putih
Kabel 6 Menjadi 3
Kabel 7 Coklat – garis putih
Kabel 8 Coklat
Bila susunan kabel yang di perlukan sudah siap maka tinggal memasukan ke connector RJ45lalu di tekan dengan Crimp Tool…

Sebelum memberikan alamat TCP/IP tentu terlebih dahulu harus di pastikan Ethernet Card atau banyak juga menyebut LAN Card harus sudah terpasang dan ter-install Driver-nya di tiap PC yang akan di hubungkan. Mainboard generasi sekarang kebanyakan sudah ada Onboard Ethernet Card nya, bila belum ada bisa di beli dan di pasang serta di install Driver-nya.
Untuk memberi TCP/IP sekarang kita ambil contoh pada konfigurasi menggunakan Win xp,untuk OS lain nya kurang lebih juga sama, yang penting kan logika-nya…!Klik -> start –> Setting –> Network Connections –> klik-kanan Local are Connections–>Properties –> pada jendela Local are Connections Properties : pilih –> Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) –>klik Tab Properties –> lalu pilih : Use the following IP address –>lalu isikan IP address kelas C,

Seperti gambar di atas IP address PC utama/Server adalah:
IP address: (IP default dari OS Windows)
Subnet mask
default gateway:–di kosongkan aja untuk tahap ini–
IP address PC lain/client nya adalah:
IP address: (IP default dari OS Windows)
Subnet mask
default gateway ( Boleh juga di tidak di isi ,IP dari PC utama yang nantinya berguna untuk sharing internet)

Ok..sampai tahap ini bila kabel UTP dengan susunan Cross tadi sudah terpasang RJ45 sekarang tinggal mengetes koneksi, yaitu memasukan ujung-ujung Connector RJ45 ke masing-masing Ethernet Card di PC, lalu bisa di tes dengan cara menge-Ping nya dari menu Run–>klik–>Start–> Run–> ketik –>ping (IP PC utama, yang di ping dari PC lainnya, atau kebalikannya), bila “Reply” maka koneksi “Sukses”…..atau bisa juga di tes langsung melalui Sharing Files, Drive atau Folder…cara untuk sharing ini tentu mudah tinggal –>klik-kanan pada Drive atau folder yang akan di sharing–>Sharing and Security–>lalu pilih Options Sharing.
sumber : http://www.indogamers.com/f37/tugas_perbedaan_windows_xp_windows_vista_windows_7_dan_linux-208600/
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 14.14
Mempercantik desktop saat ini sudah semakin lumrah bahkan semakin dibutuhkan, terlebih lagi kapasitas harddisk dan kecepatan ram yang digunakan oleh PC saat ini terbilang cukup besar. Mulai dari Style XP, Vista Pack, dan Windows Blind kerap kali dipajang agar tampilan windows xp lebih sedap dipandang. Namun bagi yang memiliki memori pas-pasan seperti penulis ???… Sekarang bukanlah persoalan lagi. Karena didunia maya terdapat 70 Themes gratis untuk windows XP anda. Langsung saja didownload …


sumber : ilmuwebsite.com
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 14.11

Membuat windows XP bajakan menjadi asli atau genuine mungkin sudah ga jaman lagi ya?? coz sekarang kebanyakan orang sudah beralih ke windows 7,,,,
Tapi buat pecinta windows XP dan masih setia menggunakan windows Xp sampai sekarang, mungkin ini merupakan tips yang cukup menarik, yaitu merubah windows XP bajakan menjadi original and asli 100%, jadi ga usa takut lagi deh ama yang namanya automatic update, pemblokiran dari microsoft, atau mendapat pesan2 aneh dari microsoft yang selalu muncul pas PC kita start up.

Namun saya tetap menyarankan sobat untuk menggunakan windws yang asli (bagi yang sudah sangat berkecukupan,, hehe), tiada maksud apa2, hanya untuk membantu sobat yang ga bisa beli windows yang asli, dan mungkin sebagai pelajaran juga bagi microsoft coz masih banyak celah2 keamanan pada windows yang masih bisa di bobol,,,
Tenang aja, Cara ini masih bisa berfungsi sampai postingan ini diterbitkan, dan saya sudah membuktikannya sendiri, OK lah, langsung saja ke TKP,,,
Berikut Langkah-langkah untuk merubah windows XP bajakan/palsu menjadi genuine / asli:

1. Download dulu Software "KeyFinder" untuk merubah Product Key Windowsnya, bisa di download di sisni

2. Kemudian download juga Software untuk mengecek keaslian windows di sini

3. Extrack kedua file tersebut

4. Buka folder "buat Xp menjadi genuine" kemudian jalankan program "KeyFinder"

5. klik "options" --> "Change Windows Key"
terlihat seperti gambar dibawah:

6. Masukan salah satu product key asli yang ada di folder "Membuat XP menjadi Genuine" yang di extract tadi, kemudian klik change.

6. Setealah itu keluarkan program "keyfinder" dan buka ulang lagi, disana akan terlihat kalau product key windows sobat sudah digantikan dengan key asli yang tadi dimasukan:

7. Selesai,,,, Sekarang tinggal buka folder "tool untuk check originalitas windows" yang sudah di download dan di extract tadi, tinggal klik 2x programnya, jika muncul seperti gambar di bawah, berarti sobat telah sukses merubah windows bajakannya menjadi genuine..

Horeee,,,, selesai,,, sekarang sobat bebas berselancar diinternet tanpa khawatir ketauan oleh Microsoft kalau windowsnya bajakan,, (hehe)

NB: jika tidak berhasil lakukan langkah2 diatas pada Account "Administrator" dan cobalah semua productkey yang diberikan tadi hingga berhasil, saya sudah buktikan sendiri dan berhasil,,, (jika tidak berasil jg, berarti anda belum beruntung,, hehehe,,, )

Salam sukses,,,,,
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 13.45

This is the 3rd tutorial of our "Master Tutorial" series. We have already posted 2 other tutorials for Windows XP and Windows Vista in past and now its turn of Windows 7.
Although Windows 7 is already very fast and reliable but this tutorial will help you in getting the max performance out of your system.
So without wasting any time, here we start our tutorial:
1. Registry Tweaks:
Following topic contains a few registry tweaks to optimize your system performance and add a few useful extras:
Ultimate Collection of Registry Tweaks to Speed Up Windows 7
You just need to download the ZIP file, extract it and run the file. It'll ask for confirmation, accept it. Restart your system to take affect.
2. Right-click on Computer icon on Desktop and select Properties (or press WIN + Pause/Break keys). Now click on Advanced system settings link in left side pane (You can open it directly by giving sysdm.cpl command in RUN or start menu search box). Now click on Settings button in Performance section:

It'll open another window. Disable all unnecessary options in Visual Effects tab, you can leave following options enabled according to your requirements:
  • Enable Aero Peek (If you want to use Aero Peek feature)
  • Enable desktop composition (If you want to use Windows Aero theme)
  • Enable transparent glass (If you want to use transparency in Windows)
  • Show thumbnails instead of icons (If you want to show thumbnails in Explorer)
  • Show window contents while dragging (If you want windows to show contents while moving them)
  • Smooth edges of screen fonts (If you want to show smooth fonts)
  • Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop (If you want to show shadows under desktop icon labels)
  • Use visual styles on windows and buttons (If you want to use Windows Aero or Basic theme)

3. Open Windows Explorer and go to "Organize -> Folder and Search Options" and click on "View" tab.
Now disable following options:
  • Display file size information in folder tips
  • Hide extensions for known file types
  • Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color
  • Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items

4. Right-click on Computer icon on Desktop and select Manage (You can also open it directly by giving services.msc command in RUN or start menu search box).
Now go to Services & Applications -> Services. Here you can set a few unnecessary services to Manual, so that these services don't start automatically with Windows and you can get a faster startup.

Visit following tutorial to know which services can be set to MANUAL to increase system performance:
Windows 7 Services Configuration: Turn Off / Disable Unnecessary Services to Optimize Performance
5. Type msconfig in RUN or Startmenu search box and press Enter. Now go to Startup tab and disable unwanted startup entries. You can disable your graphics card's driver utility, Sound Card utility, etc to speed up the system startup and to increase system performance.

6. Open Sound applet in Control Panel (or type mmsys.cpl in RUN or Startmenu search box and press Enter). Now go to Sounds tab and select No Sounds from Sound Scheme section. You can keep some of your favorite sounds enabled but make sure to set Exit Windows, Windows Log off, Windows Logon and Start Navigation to (None).

Also disable "Play Windows Startup sound" option to disable the sound clip which is played at login screen.
7. Also don't forget to:
  • Defrag the hard disk regularly
  • Install only necessary software
  • Use the latest device drivers
  • Keep your Windows up-to-date
After following all the above mentioned points, you'll definitely notice major improvements in your Windows 7 performance.
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 13.37

I had a client who was paralyzed.  All Gloria could do was talk and eat, when someone gave food to her.But, boy, could she ever visualize!She would actually visualize herself exercizing so well that she would make her muscles ache.When I would see her, she would say, “Oh, I am so sore.  I did fifteen repetitions.”  She would tell me which exercise she had “done.”Every time, I would say, “Gloria, if you would just “do” one, instead of fifteen, you would not be sore.”  She would tell me that she knew, but it just felt so good.She had done the movements only in her mind, yet she did them with such imagination and with such belief, that her body responded as though she was actually, physically doing them.

Research has been done with athletes who practice “only in their mind” while hooked up to monitoring devices.  The monitoring machines show the same kind of muscle response that they would have if they were actually performing the exercise.
If you can put yourself into a relaxed state, a meditative state, you can visualize yourself doing things with your muscles that you might not yet be able to do very well.  When you are that relaxed, your muscles won’t know the difference between really moving or imagining that you are moving.  They will get the same message.
Your muscles will start to become re-activated.  They will start to become strong.
What is visualization? It is “seeing” with your mind.  Your eyes are closed, you are relaxed, and you are imagining what you want to do or be.  Imagine yourself doing the thing you are thinking about perfectly.
If you want to move your arm in round circles, you can do it perfectly in your mind.  The reality may be that you would have a more jerky movement doing it physically, but in your mind you can make it perfect.
What is meditation? Meditation is simply the act of relaxation with a focus.  You focus on one thing.  Your focus may be deep breathing or something specific that you want to do.  “Counting sheep” is a form of meditation.  It gives you focus.
Can your mind make you strong? This is one of those situations where it can, if you work with enough dedication.  And, it can’t hurt to try.
If all you learn is how to meditate or visualize well, you will be ahead of the game.  You will have learned new skills.
Being able to meditate can come in mighty handy when you have pain, to move through it.  Visualizing can help you attain goals and become well.
Start visualizing your perfect, healthy, strong body today.
Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 13.29

1. Just say no to fruit juice. Juice is fruit with the fiber removed. Not to mention, most of them are packed with sugar. Opt for the real thing instead.
2. Stick to water. All of those sugary soft drinks are simply adding excess calories to your diet and to your waistline. Start drinking only water and a bit of tea and you could start seeing changes in your body very quickly. This is especially true if your a soft drink junkie.
3. Create a new good habit each day. Eating often becomes a habit rather than a way to nourish ourselves. To get out of bad eating habits, it’s easier to change one habit per day. I have recently started doing this and have found it to be extremely effective.
On the first day I gave up honey on my oatmeal and on the second day I converted all of my snacks to fruits and vegetables.

4. Change your lifestyle. A diet is simply a way of eating. It’s a long-term commitment not a one-time event. Create permanent lifestyle changes. Good habits are the key to success when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight.

5. Get plenty of sleep. Your sleep time is an essential component to losing weight. Researchers have found evidence to show that better sleep habits are instrumental to the success of any weight loss plan.
6. Eat 5-6 small meals per day instead of 3 big meals. Keith Klein, World-renowned nutritionist and author of “Get Lean” is quoted as saying,
“If you haven’t figured it out yet, let me spell it out for
you: depending on your goal, it is either five or six meals
a day or forget about reaching your potential!”
Yes, it may seem strange to eat 5-6 meals a day when you’re trying to lose weight, but this is the secret to getting to the next level in your fitness goals.
Eating 5-6 small meals per day is the key to a fast metabolism. Every time you eat a meal, your body’s metabolism starts up a new spin cycle caused by the thermic effect of food.
In fact, a portion of the calories you consume are burned through the simple act of digestion. This thermic effect can range from 3% to 30%. Lean protein causes a thermic effect of up to 30%. This means you burn 30% of the calories you eat from chicken breast, fish, and egg whites. Vegetables have a thermic effect of around 20%. However, fats and refined carbohydrates have a very low thermic effect of only 3%. This is one of the reasons it’s so easy to gain weight when you are eating lots of carbohydrates and sugars.
When you’re eating 5-6 smaller meals that are centered around high protein, fibrous vegetables, your body will burn through the calories.
A higher metabolism creates a fat-burning machine. The longer you practice this meal plan, the more muscle you’ll develop. The more muscle you develop, the faster your metabolism will become. It’s a win-win situation.
Unfortunately, it’s something that way too few people are taking advantage of. Most people try to starve themselves and in the process they kill their metabolism. In doing that, they also kill their fat-burning potential.
Five or six small meals a day accelerates your body’s natural rate of calorie burning.
Best of all, frequent meals also prevents binges and controls cravings. When you’re eating every three hours, your body stays satisfied and your energy levels stay high.
7. Don’t avoid all fat. Yes, I know it might sound like a strange suggestion when trying to lose weight, but it’s true. Our bodies need certain types of fats just to survive.
They’re called essential fatty acids. You may have heard of them. They go by the name of Omegas 3, 6, and 9 and they are essential to a healthy diet.
8. Add some variety to your meals. The key to success is having options. Keep your mouth happy with a variety of different meal choices.
9. Get your Fiber. The inclusion of fiber into a well-balanced meal slows the digestion of the carbohydrates. This results in long-lasting energy instead of the short bursts
of energy offered by simple carbohydrates.

10. Slow Down… If you are looking to lose a few pounds, then simply slow down. There are so many Americans who rush through their meals. When you rush through your meal, your body doesn’t have time to send your brain the signal that you’re full, which results in overeating. Take time to enjoy your food.

Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 13.25
Three Passionate Rules For Success;
There are three (3) factors which make up the strongest structure, the 'TRIANGLE OF SUCCESS', that you should consider because they will lead to your success:
1) Desire. You must want to be taller. The benefits of being taller are enormous! Marshall Cannon, a successful student who completed our tailored program, summed it up nicely by saying:
"My satisfaction in life does not come from my accomplishments, but from knowing that I was willing to go through the treacherous journey till the end, and make it. I'm two inches closer to heaven and loving every moment!"*

2) Motivation. You should always motivate yourself. One of the reasons that NBA GREAT Michael Jordan was able to accomplish six NBA CHAMPIONSHIPS is motivation. He motivated himself every time he stepped on a court by developing numerous reasons for winning. Each reason motivated him to the point that winning was inevitable!*

3) Perseverance. As the saying goes; 'When the going gets tough the tough get going.' The best way to persevere through your challenge is by visualizing yourself accomplishing your goal. This will help you persevere. Visualization is a tremendous tool, use it! See yourself at the end of the tunnel. See it, taste it, smell it!*~


Middle-Ground Wonders
Studies have shown that individuals growing up in middle-class neighborhoods have on average a three inch advantage over others. Even high income areas cannot keep up with these middle-class giants!
Although it is quite simple, the answer may not be so obvious.
It all boils down to a little known subject you may have heard about back in High School: psychology.
Our natural tendency as humans is to evolve mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. These sociological traits have created an almost unquenchable thirst to better ourselves.
These days, even tall athletes desire MORE height! Michael Jordan, 6-foot-6 NBA SUPERSTAR, was quoted once as wanting to be TALLER!
So why is the middle-class so tall?
Precisely because of who they are. Being in the middle-income bracket means they are financially stable enough to avoid lower-class pitfalls associated with stunted growth, such as poor nutrition and stress, yet wealthy enough to feed their appetite and want even more!
In contrast, upper class-individuals are satisfied with what they have: lots of money, beautiful house, a nice car. As a result, they do not have to better themselves.
A simple analogy to this phenomena can be discovered within a plant. Too much water will spoil the plant in such a way that it will not develop correctly. Too little water will keep the plant from growing. However, just the right amount of water will allow the plant to BLOSSOM and GROW!~*

Tweaking Your Gland: Six ways to boost growth hormone output naturally

Size may matter, but in some cases the smallest thing can have the biggest impact. Like that grape-sized organ- the anterior pituitary gland- nestled within your brain. Despite its small dimensions, it is the source of powerful juice when it comes to building height. You see, the anterior pituitary gland is responsible for secreting a substance called somatotropic hormone, more commonly known as "growth hormone," into your bloodstream.
Without that tiny gland, it wouldn't matter how many reps of stretching exercises you perform. Without it, building your physique would become an exercise in futility. Why? "It's somatotropic hormone that dictates how your body will adapt itself from all your height increasing efforts" says Ed Burke, Ph.D., director of the Exercise Science Program at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Acting as your body's foreman, growth hormone instructs your skeletal bone to grow larger and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats into energy. In other words, get enough growth hormone floating around in your system and your body has no choice but to construct itself into something bigger and badder. Cheat yourself from acquiring your fair share and your body can only do so much, no matter how much you do.
Although the amount of growth hormone your body regularly produces is entirely up to your brain, there are a few things you can do to trick that thrifty gland into being a bit more generous.
So now that you've worked hard enough on your body performing the stretching exercises, pay attention to these six proven ways to make your body work for you:
1)Get your shut-eye. It's simple math really. Add eight hours to the time you went to bed, then look at your alarm clock before peeling yourself from the sheets. "Not getting enough sleep regularly can lower the amount of growth hormone your body produces daily," says Walter Thompson, Ph.D., director of the Center for Sports Medicine, Science and Technology at Georgia State University in Atlanta.
Even though excess sleep won't necessarily increase the amount of growth hormone your body secretes, constantly burning your midnight oil could be suppressing how efficiently your body distributes growth hormone during the course of the day. Keeping normal sleeping habits may let you tap into a certain percentage of growth hormone that your bones never get a chance to utilize when sleep-deprived.*
2)Eat Smarter. Focus on eating six or seven smaller meals during your day instead of three or four larger ones. Consuming large meals with a high glycemic index forces the body to release a high amount of insulin into the system to aid with digestion. This reactiona not only forces your body to store fat, it may also inhibit the flow of the growth hormone being released throughout your bloodstream. Instead, make a point of consuming other low-sugar foods that will prevent the release of insulin.
The crossover between what you need to stay healthy and what you need to release more growth hormone doesn't stop with eating smaller meals and getting enough shut-eye. All of the same factors that need to be in place for a healthy lifestyle still hold true. Training right, eating right, sleeping right and keeping your stress to a minimum will not only keep you healthier, they will foster the type of environment that encourages the anterior pituitary gland to do its job. Deficits in any of these areas will only slow down how well your body functions as a whole, which in turn slow down the amount of growth hormone that is being continually pumped into your system.*
3) Pre-workout nosh: Toss back a small chicken salad sandwich a couple of hours before you exercise. Food Researchers have discovered that consuming a protein-carbohydrate meal two hours prior to working out and another meal immediately afterward elicited a significant increase in both growth hormone an testosterone within the bloodstream.
Even if you're not hungry a few hours before you exercise, you may want to consider having a snack to prevent being hungry within the two-hour window before you work out. Researchers at UCLA found that subjects who exercised with partially digested food in their stomachs experienced up to a 54 percent decrease in the production of growth hormone. Subjects who were fed strictly carbohydrates prior to a workout still experienced a lower production of growth hormone by up to 24 percent.*~
4) Get the most from your training: What you put your body through during your stretching exercise routine has a direct effect on what your pituitary gland puts out to build height. A recent study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that the frequency and amount of growth hormone the body secretes is relative to the intensity of your workout. Subjects who exercised at a higher intensity experienced greater and more frequent releases of growth hormone after their workouts.
To get the most from your training efforts, you need to be sure that the duration and intensity of your regimen are high enough to elicit a response. Keeping your workouts focused on short-burst, high intensity anaerobic stretching exercises and maintaining a pace that lasts at least 20-30 minutes is a fair standard to follow.
There are certain stretching exercises that may help squeeze out a little extra growth hormone. By utilizing stretches that include several muscle groups to work collectively, the intensity of the workout subsequently increases as well, forcing the anterior pituitary gland to issue more growth hormone to compensate for the extra effort.
Oddly enough, participating in intense aerobic exercise can also cause an increase in growth hormone release. However, what keeps marathoners from looking like basketball athletes is that their bodies react differently to the substance because of the activity they participate in.
It is like having someone who never lifts weights using a muscle-building supplement. They have the building blocks within their system, but unless the endurance athlete is performing a significant amount of resistance stretching exercises, the body never recognizes a demand to use these tools effectively to help restructure.*
5) Supplement strategically: Taking the amino acid glycine immediately before you work out can mildly stimulate the release of growth hormone, but only when taken as a supplement. Trying to achieve the same effect by consuming glycine-rich foods such as poultry or milk prior to exercise only inhibits growth hormone by causing you to exercise on a full stomach, plus the glycine doesn't get absorbed in the same way.
Being introduced into the body in the presence of additional amino acids forces the glycine to compete for transport across the blood-brain barrier, diminishing its effect on the growth hormone levels. The only way glycine can cause a reaction is when taken in isolated supplement form, preferably on an empty stomach to speed up absorption and prevent outside interference from other amino acids.
6) Don't pig out before bed: Never eat a large meal within two hours of going to sleep. The reasoning ties into avoiding the same insulin surges you're trying to prevent during the day, but this abstention is especially important before bedtime.
The body releases the greatest amount of growth hormone during the first two hours of sleep. Having excess insulin within the system after a large meal suppresses this higher output of growth hormone, preventing your body from taking advantages of it as you rest.
Nighttime also seems to be the best time to take additional supplements to increase the flow of growth hormone. UCLA researchers have found that taking the amino acid arginine and orthinine together on an empty stomach right before bedtime can boost growth hormone levels significantly. However, the amounts required to see a difference were between 40 and 60 grams, dosages too large to take in any version besides injectable form.
There are safer, more accessible supplements you can try, such as 5-hydroxy tryptophan, a safer derivative of tryptophan. This sleep aid used to encourage drowsiness also helps the brain release growth hormone.*~
There many ways of increasing growth hormone levels. They are super creative and will blow you away