1. Just say no to fruit juice. Juice is fruit with the fiber removed. Not to mention, most of them are packed with sugar. Opt for the real thing instead.
2. Stick to water. All of those sugary soft drinks are simply adding excess calories to your diet and to your waistline. Start drinking only water and a bit of tea and you could start seeing changes in your body very quickly. This is especially true if your a soft drink junkie.
3. Create a new good habit each day. Eating often becomes a habit rather than a way to nourish ourselves. To get out of bad eating habits, it’s easier to change one habit per day. I have recently started doing this and have found it to be extremely effective.
On the first day I gave up honey on my oatmeal and on the second day I converted all of my snacks to fruits and vegetables.
4. Change your lifestyle. A diet is simply a way of eating. It’s a long-term commitment not a one-time event. Create permanent lifestyle changes. Good habits are the key to success when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight.
5. Get plenty of sleep. Your sleep time is an essential component to losing weight. Researchers have found evidence to show that better sleep habits are instrumental to the success of any weight loss plan.
6. Eat 5-6 small meals per day instead of 3 big meals. Keith Klein, World-renowned nutritionist and author of “Get Lean” is quoted as saying,
“If you haven’t figured it out yet, let me spell it out forYes, it may seem strange to eat 5-6 meals a day when you’re trying to lose weight, but this is the secret to getting to the next level in your fitness goals.
you: depending on your goal, it is either five or six meals
a day or forget about reaching your potential!”
Eating 5-6 small meals per day is the key to a fast metabolism. Every time you eat a meal, your body’s metabolism starts up a new spin cycle caused by the thermic effect of food.
In fact, a portion of the calories you consume are burned through the simple act of digestion. This thermic effect can range from 3% to 30%. Lean protein causes a thermic effect of up to 30%. This means you burn 30% of the calories you eat from chicken breast, fish, and egg whites. Vegetables have a thermic effect of around 20%. However, fats and refined carbohydrates have a very low thermic effect of only 3%. This is one of the reasons it’s so easy to gain weight when you are eating lots of carbohydrates and sugars.
When you’re eating 5-6 smaller meals that are centered around high protein, fibrous vegetables, your body will burn through the calories.
A higher metabolism creates a fat-burning machine. The longer you practice this meal plan, the more muscle you’ll develop. The more muscle you develop, the faster your metabolism will become. It’s a win-win situation.
Unfortunately, it’s something that way too few people are taking advantage of. Most people try to starve themselves and in the process they kill their metabolism. In doing that, they also kill their fat-burning potential.
Five or six small meals a day accelerates your body’s natural rate of calorie burning.
Best of all, frequent meals also prevents binges and controls cravings. When you’re eating every three hours, your body stays satisfied and your energy levels stay high.
7. Don’t avoid all fat. Yes, I know it might sound like a strange suggestion when trying to lose weight, but it’s true. Our bodies need certain types of fats just to survive.
They’re called essential fatty acids. You may have heard of them. They go by the name of Omegas 3, 6, and 9 and they are essential to a healthy diet.
8. Add some variety to your meals. The key to success is having options. Keep your mouth happy with a variety of different meal choices.
9. Get your Fiber. The inclusion of fiber into a well-balanced meal slows the digestion of the carbohydrates. This results in long-lasting energy instead of the short bursts
of energy offered by simple carbohydrates.
10. Slow Down… If you are looking to lose a few pounds, then simply slow down. There are so many Americans who rush through their meals. When you rush through your meal, your body doesn’t have time to send your brain the signal that you’re full, which results in overeating. Take time to enjoy your food.
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