Selasa, 26 April 2011

Posted by Yoghi Andreanto On 16.48
Magdeburg Water Bridge is water navigation channel in Germanywhich connects the Elbe-Havel canal to the Mittelland canal andallow the ship to cross over the River Elbe as high as 918 meters.Magdeburg Water Bridge is the longest navigation waterways in the world.

Elbe-Havel Canal and the Mittelland canal near Magdeburgpreviously met but on the opposite side of the Elbe. Ships from the Elbe-Havel canal to the Mittelland canal must first take a detouralong the 12 kilometers, down from Canal Mittelland throughRothensee giant water elevator to lift the boat into the Elbe, then sailagainst the current.

Before entering the Elbe-Havel canal had to go through NiegrippLock. Receding water levels in the Elbe often make the ship loadedcargo crossings can not do this, and this takes much longer to load and unload ships.

Development of water channel was started since 1930 but because of World War 2 and the subsequent division of Germany, the workwas delayed until 1997. Water channel was finally completed andopened to the public in 2003.
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